Omaha post-hardcore band Lucida Dark just dropped their brand-new album Of Death, Of Love and it's fantastic! Over the last year the band has steadily dropped songs from Of Death, Of Love like little ear morsels, but now it's time to feast!
I was introduced to Lucida Dark a few years ago when the Waiting Room started doing New Music Mondays. I stepped in from the cold to see the stage was completely dark except for a few glow sticks. I thought "Oh here we go, another sludge-filled death scream band". To my surprise, as soon as Lucida Dark started to play I was blown away with the wall of sound that emerged. Playing all instrumentals, there was no "bree, bree, squee, squee" here. Only luscious soundscapes for the imagination.
On Of Death, Of Love there's so much to take in. Over seven tracks Lucida Dark takes you on a mystical journey through time and space. I would love to see some of these tracks made into film. One moment you're spinning through space, the next you're on a Viking ship headed into battle, or riding a dragon. The atmospheric sounds are truly a trip for your senses. Clocking in at just over 46 minutes, the album doesn't actually feel that long.
I love that there's something here for everyone. From doom to synthwave to shoegaze and post-hardcore, each piece brings something new. Huge congratulations to Lucida Dark for putting together such an awesome album.
If you want to get the full experience of Lucida Dark, you're in luck. Next Saturday at the Waiting Room the band will be playing Of Love, Of Death in full. Get tickets HERE. I hope to see you there!