Story and Photos: Brian Schmidt
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Now back to the story....
I arrived at The Reverb lounge, thirty minutes late. It was fairly quiet, and of course I missed the first band. Sorry Odd Man Out, a man’s gotta put his 9-5 first. Or more like, 11-8. We’ll cover you again as soon as we are able. The bar was fairly full, but I was able to see some familiar faces. Jordan of Odd Man Out, Pop Shove-It, and Witherfang, said a queasy hello. His bandmates told me that he had eaten waaay too much before his set, and he looked like it too! I also met up with Drummer, Dusty, of Dullparty, another band we’ve covered, who was talking about how excited he was about the show. I love seeing bands excited for bands!
Even Coast was up next and of course they brought a blow up doll, aptly named Betsy, (I think the one from their last show was Bertha), complete with booby balloons. Their set was a bit steamier than the last time I had seen them, as the band all took off their shirts halfway through. We even got an impromptu cover of “Balls in Your Jaws,” sung by the bass player. Honestly, seeing the 3 sweaty beefy boys take their shirts off was kind of refreshing. Their confidence gave me a boost of self esteem, as I myself am often a sweaty beefy boy. “F@*k Florida” is still a bop, and their set was fairly entertaining, especially with all the balloons and shirtless dudes.
Psychostick turned the dumb up to eleven, counting to four with their “Bodies” parody “Numbers (I Can Only Count to Four)” If this is your first experience with the band, they’re a Weird Al-esque metal band who parody popular songs, while sprinkling in a bit of their doofy originals. They all wear goofy hats, some spiked, some antlered, and all stupidly fun, while screaming about beers, beards, and bean burritos.
Speaking of the holy trilogy of B’s, "Obey The Beard", their semi viral 2012 hit, sparked a crazy pit, filled with flying facial foliage, on the freshly pimpled faces of the audience. (We love you though! XD) The band also pulled out several surprisingly sincere covers, such as the Bill Nye the Science Guy Theme song, the Reading Rainbow Theme, and "The Doom Song" that Gir from Invader Zim sings, sparking a nostalgic fervor throughout the mostly Millennial audience.
During the show I saw some of the roughest pits to the dumbest songs. There was a pit to an acoustic love song, (mostly about wanting to bang,) a pit to a Madonna medley which was a fairly faithful collection of the most memorable hooks throughout the pop star’s career, and by far the dumbest song, The Hokey Pokey, which turned us all around.
The show was a blast of a good time if you can get down with Psychostick’s unique brand of hokey comedy! Check out Psycosticks latest album, And Stuff… narrated by not one, but TWO Patrick Stewart impersonators, and get your stupid on! https://psychostick.com/
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Even Coast
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