Typesetter (Emo/Indie/PopPunk) From Chicago played at Lookout Lounge Friday night (5/3) and it was fun on a bun!
First off, a huge shout out to Lucas Wright and Black Heart Booking for the guest spot! Lucas has lots of shows coming up including T.S.O.L with RAF, HR from Bad Brains, the Ska BBQ featuring Buck.O.Nine and many more!
Joining Typesetter were locals Jack and the Giant, Garst, and Featherfoot Charlie From Lincoln.
I arrived at the Lookout to find an adorable puppy hanging out with members of Featherfoot Charlie and I just had to pet it! As we were talking we heard some blues music starting inside and decided we’d better get in there and check it out.
I walked through the bar into the stage room and I couldn’t believe what I saw. Two very young kids that looked like they were straight out of an Archie comic were absolutely murdering their blues-rock set!

With just a guitar and drums, Jack and the Giant were able to fill the room with the most soulful uplifting music! Singer Jack had a raspy deep voice and a wide vocal range.

Playing a set of mostly originals and two covers, Jack and the Giant were a tough act to follow. I talked with Jack after the set and he said he’s been playing guitar since he was five! It’s no wonder his set was so tight. Hard work pays off!

You can catch Jack in two other projects, 35th and Taylor, and Hector Anchando band. I look forward to seeing Jack again soon.
After Jack and the Giant were the local psychedelic surf rockers Garst. These guys had quite the flair mixing up surf, pop-punk, and post punk fuzz. I heard several folks at the show saying they heard influences from the Stooges. Far out! Keep up the great work young dudes!

Next was Featherfoot Charlie out of Lincoln. I was looking forward to seeing these guys as I had met singer Andrew at Masked Intruder a few weeks earlier. He was wearing a battle vest over a shirt that looked like it said MxPx. I asked if it was an MxPx shirt and he said “You know it!” I gave him a huge hug and I said “My people are here!”
We went on to trade stories about all the times we had seen MxPx over the years and Andrew told me about his band and their new single “King and Queen.”

During soundcheck, Andrew was playing a Yellowcard riff so I thought there might be a lot of covers in their set. After one original the band did play a cover “My Escape” by Reliant K, however, the rest of the set was filled with originals.
It was pure pop punk magic.
The highlight for me was the song “Coffee at Midnight.” I was so convinced it was a cover song! It was so familiar, and had that 2004 pop punk feel. I asked Andrew about it after the set and he was floored when I told him I thought “Coffee at Midnight” was a cover.
Make sure to check out Featherfoot Charlie’s music on Spotify!
Finally, after all the locals it was time for the guys from Chicago, Typesetter.
With three guitars and synth, Typesetter had a deep layered sound reminiscent of 90s Shoegaze mixed with At the Drive-In.

Many of the songs in Typesetter’s set came from their new album “Nothing Blues” which is fantastic! The album boasts plenty of upbeat jams that call back to bands like the Replacements, Gin Blossoms, and the Plimsouls. One of my favorites on the album is “Technicolor”, which features Ohio blues-rocker Lydia Loveless.
This was Typesetter’s second to last show of the tour. I spoke with lead singer Marc after the show and he mentioned the last time they were in Omaha they were supporting rising stars of the punk rock scene, Against Me! I’m hoping the next time Typesetter comes through Omaha they will be on a bigger support slot so more people can check out their music. By the end, the crowd was a little thin especially for being a Friday night. It’s really a bummer because Typesetter was totally awesome and they didn’t hold back. Even though the room got a lot smaller they gave us their best and even looked like they were having a blast up there. I’m excited to see them again and sing along! Check out Typesetter’s new album “Nothing Blues” available now, wherever you stream music.
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