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The Jasons Terrorize the Lookout Lounge

The Lookout Lounge had a stacked bill full of local and regional horror punk acts Monday night (6/10).

First off, a huge shout out to Black Heart Booking for putting this show together. Black Heart has tons of good stuff coming up including the Ska-BQ 3 featuring Buck O Nine! Don’t tell me you don’t want to skank it up with your buddies and enjoy some delicious BBQ. This show is gonna be so awesome. Check out all the upcoming shows on BlackHeart Booking’s Facebook page, and help support your local music scene!

The Lookout had a decent crowd for a Monday night. Several punk rock fans turned out to see all the action. The night started with local rockers DSM-5. These guys put on a no frills punk rock set and got the crowd moving. They did a great job warming things up and even did a Hank III cover.


After DSM-5 were the spooky Scabby Ghouls. I missed the Scabby Ghouls when they opened for T.S.O.L, but this time I go there early and caught the whole set. The guitars were shredding and the pop-punk vocals were on point. Many of the songs were upbeat and had a call and response type chorus. But, my favorite part of the set was a slow tempo roots-rock/reggae song. That’s my jam!


Following the Scabby Ghouls was the local horror punk band Graveyard Smash. This was my second time seeing Graveyard Smash and it was just as enjoyable as the first. If you’re a fan of the Misfits or T.S.O.L, then you’ll love Graveyard. From the super catchy horror pop of “Don’t Go Out Tonight” to the more aggressive “War Inside My Head” there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The level of talent in Omaha’s music scene is ridiculous! On any given night you can catch something great and Graveyard Smash definitely proves it.


After Graveyard, the band Jerk! From Las Vegas was up. Another straight up punk rock outfit, these guys weren’t here to mess around. They played loud, fast, and in your face! With songs about atomic girls and partying til you drop, they kept the Lookout jumping. Working with a half hour slot, Jerk! played about 11 songs before thanking the crowd for coming out.


Following Jerk! were the guys from Crystal Lake, the terrifying Jasons!

The band kicked off the set with the title track to their new album “Blood in the Streets.” This got the crowd fist pumping!

With cool siren lights and fans to blow back their flowing hair, the Jasons made the Lookout stage feel just a bit classier than usual.

The Jasons bass player and lead singer traded off lead vocals a couple times which was cool to see. As for the tunes, all of the songs were straight up punk rock gold. No slow jams here! The band played a good mix of old and new songs during their 45 minute set.


This was a really fun show. The Jasons have a good thing going and their new album “Blood in the Streets” has been getting some great press. I expect to see a bigger crowd the next time they’re in town.

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